


Teaching Assistant / Internship Courses

University Course Teaching Assistant

Course Name Professor Time
NTU CS/IM Advanced Artificial Intelligence Course Prof. Yung-Jen Hsu Spring 2007
NTU CS Robotics Course* Prof. Li-Chen Fu Fall 2005
NCCU CS/Journalism Department Joint Course on Internet Media Systems Prof. Tsai-Yen Li et al. Spring 2004
NCCU CS Graduate Program Web System Design Course Prof. Kung Chen Fall 2003
NCCU CS Undergraduate Program Object-Oriented Programming Course Prof. Tsai-Yen Li Spring 2003

*Media Coverage: (Liberty Times - 2005.11.6, TVBS News Channel Noon News - 2005.11.11)

Technical Internship Courses Taught as TA

Time Topic Course and School Slides
2007.5.18 JENA: A Semantic Web Framework for Java NTU Advanced Artificial Intelligence Course slides
2004.5.6 Java Web Programming using Struts Framework NCCU Internet Media Systems Course slides
2004.4.22 Java Web Programming (2) NCCU Internet Media Systems Course slides
2004.4.1 Java Web Programming (1) NCCU Internet Media Systems Course slides
2004.3.24 Testing and Modeling Skills in eXtreme Programming NCCU Internet Media Systems Course slides
2004.3.18 Refactoring and Estimating Skills in eXtreme Programming NCCU Internet Media Systems Course slides
2004.3.11 Practical eXtreme Programming NCCU Internet Media Systems Course slides
2003.12.5 Programming ASP.NET NCCU Web System Design Course slides
2003.11.21 EJB CMP 2.0 with JBuilder 9 NCCU Web System Design Course slides
2003.11.7 JDBC Transactions; Building EJB with Eclipse, Ant, and xDoclet; Developing EJB with JBuilder 9 NCCU Web System Design Course slides
2003.10.24 JDBC in Practice NCCU Web System Design Course slides
2003.10.17 Developing Web Application using Struts Framework NCCU Web System Design Course slides
2003.10.3 Introduction to the Java PetStore NCCU Web System Design Course slides
2003.10.3 Introduction to the JSTL NCCU Web System Design Course slides
2003.9.26 Introduction to Ant Build Tool NCCU Web System Design Course slides
2003.9.26 Introduction to WebLogic Server NCCU Web System Design Course slides
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