


Educational Projects

2022-2024 MOE Intiating General Education Renaissance Mid-term Plan, the First Phase

Sub-Project 4:Information Technology Literacy Development, PI, 2022.6 - 2024.7

This sub-project promotes four major themes: diverse computational thinking, quantitative analysis literacy, integrated software creation, and computational expression understanding, all guided by the concept of “self-awareness and collaborative interaction for the good.” These themes incorporate humanistic elements into the general education curriculum on information literacy and work in conjunction with sub-projects 4-1 and 4-2 to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Foster an environment that values information technology literacy
  2. Demonstrate the exemplary learning effects of information technology literacy education
  3. Enhance students' information technology literacy and programming skills
  4. Connect with high school education to deepen literacy in line with the twelve-year national education program

2020-2022 MOE Programming Learning for University Students, Phase 2

PI, Sub-Project 3: Web Development and Cross-disciplinary Integration Promotion 2020.8 - 2022.7

Our team has gone through the stages of “situation analysis,” “strategic planning,” “curriculum development,” and “trial teaching improvements” to create relevant teaching and experimental materials for non-IT major students using the Web as a medium for learning programming. These materials include basic JavaScript modules, advanced JavaScript modules, web technology modules (including HTML, CSS, jQuery, DOM, and Bootstrap), and advanced project application modules. The primary goal of this phase is to expand, deepen, and promote the already developed teaching materials. Additionally, as mentioned in the previous section, this sub-project has several important promotion goals.

Firstly, from our previous experiences, we found that even though students understand syntax and structure, they still find it challenging to integrate and utilize these components to develop the necessary applications. This indicates a teaching gap between learning syntax and developing application systems. Preliminary research and reference to international literature have shown that this issue is particularly severe for first-time programming learners, and the solution unanimously points to enhancing “code reading” skills. Traditional programming education focuses more on writing rather than reading code. However, in practice, whether it is for observing, maintaining, or reusing existing code, the ability to read and analyze code is crucial. This forms the first key promotion goal of this sub-project.

Secondly, the 108 Curriculum Guidelines, which integrate information (technology) related knowledge into primary, middle, and high school education, have been implemented for nearly a year. Students at all levels will have significantly improved information literacy. In about two years, universities will welcome the first batch of students with higher information literacy, who have grown under literacy-oriented teaching strategies. These students are not accustomed to traditional learning methods that rely solely on lectures, listening, and exams. Instead, they prefer learning new knowledge through group interaction, discussion, and hands-on practice in small learning communities. Therefore, the second promotion goal of this sub-project is the “development of small autonomous learning communities.”

Lastly, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019-2020 has had a significant impact on all industries, making it more apparent that information literacy is indispensable regardless of the field. However, current teaching materials are primarily designed for traditional IT students, focusing on comprehensive syntax introduction and sequential courses to gradually develop complete system implementation skills. For non-IT students with existing professional knowledge in other fields, this approach may not be appropriate. Customizing the teaching materials to ground programming education in various fields to meet professional needs and using expressions acceptable to students from different disciplines is a challenge that has been largely overlooked. Thus, the third key promotion goal of this sub-project is the “development of field-specific grounded modules.”

The main execution methods of the project include continuously improving the teaching materials modules in terms of evaluation and deepening, as well as researching, developing, and promoting important promotion issues in each sub-project.

2018-2020 MOE Programming Learning for University Students, Phase 1

PI, Sub-Projectd 3: Supporting Teaching of Web Technologies 2018.5 - 2020.7

Today's university students are typical members of the “Internet generation,” with those aged 18 having been born after 2000. During their growth, Taiwan has developed a comprehensive internet infrastructure, making the use of computers or mobile phones to access information through web browsers an integral part of their daily lives. Therefore, using the Web as a medium for learning programming, as opposed to learning a specific programming language in isolation, offers higher affinity and practicality for learners, thereby enhancing their motivation to learn. However, the learning process also necessitates acquiring additional knowledge beyond the programming language itself. This is especially true for backend web programming, which involves understanding HTTP communication protocols and databases, posing significant challenges as an introductory programming course.

To achieve excellent teaching outcomes, four conditions are typically required: 1. Guiding students to foster strong learning motivation, 2. Providing appropriate teaching materials tailored to students' levels, 3. Ensuring teachers have in-depth knowledge and effective teaching skills, and 4. Creating a conducive learning environment, including adequate teaching and laboratory facilities. The first condition will be supported by the main project and the common needs team, while the fourth condition is more related to the hardware and software infrastructure of each university and should be addressed by schools receiving subsidies from the Higher Education Sprout Project, using project funds to improve the teaching environment. Our team will assist with the second and third conditions.

In the first year of the project, the focus will be on developing, piloting, and evaluating teaching modules. During this stage, we will invite experts with extensive experience in Web-related teaching from academia and industry to hold expert consultation seminars to gather needs and suggestions. The developed teaching materials will undergo two rounds of pilot teaching and modifications. Additionally, we will conduct several teaching materials development meetings to further discuss the use of these course modules, producing sample syllabi and course maps for extended applications.

After completing the main teaching materials, in the second year of the project, we will focus on cultivating both online and offline communities using the Web as a medium for learning programming to enhance teachers' ability to teach programming through the Web. First, we will recruit teachers from the community who are willing to adopt the course modules and conduct seed teacher training workshops to explain and promote the use of the teaching materials. Project resources will be used to assist seed teachers in using the teaching modules in their schools. We will also hold teaching experience sharing seminars, allowing seed teachers to share their teaching challenges and solutions.

2018 MOE Project: ICT Software Innovation Talent Promotion and Development

Co-PI, Type A Project 2018.2 - 2019.1

This program aims to develop students' abilities in the cross-disciplinary integration of humanities, information design, and technological implementation. It also seeks to nurture professional leaders in the creation, design, planning, and system development of digital content. The program emphasizes students' abilities in humanities storytelling, information technology, and digital content application, which can be summarized as “innovation and integration execution capabilities in digital content.”

One of the major features of this program is the fusion of humanities and technology, with an equal emphasis on theory and practice. Most courses in the program require students to not only understand the knowledge taught by the instructors but also to complete hands-on projects, concretely presenting their digital content creations. The goal of this project is to utilize the relevant platforms provided by the promotion center, leveraging the interdisciplinary nature of this program to cultivate software talents with cross-disciplinary expertise or to promote collaboration among interdisciplinary talents. This will guide students to seamlessly connect with industry.

Through foundational programming education, the project aims to develop students' basic software skills and instill concepts of software testing and information security. Further, through assignments, project implementation, advanced course development, and event organization, students' programming and interdisciplinary abilities will be enhanced. This will lead to the design of high-quality and distinctive software modules. Additionally, the project will formulate value extension assistance plans for the outcomes, thereby contributing back to the software development community and society.

2016 MOE: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Software Innovation Talent Promotion Plan: Promoting Innovative Software Talent Development Models

Digital Content Program (Category A) at NCCU Co-PI 2016.2 - 2017.1

In the book “The Transformation of Universities,” former Minister of Education Wu Si-Hua pointed out that the two gaps in cultural and creative development that higher education should fill are “bridging the gap between government and industry” and “serving as the cradle for cultivating cultural and creative talents.” The primary purpose of the Digital Content Program at NCCU (National Chengchi University) is to provide professional learning channels for cultural and creative talents, aiming to build students' interdisciplinary integration capabilities in humanities, information design, and technological practice. It aims to cultivate professional leadership talents in the creation, design, planning, and system development of digital content. Students are trained in humanistic narrative ability, information technology ability, and digital content application ability, which translates to “the innovation and integration execution power of digital content.”

A major feature of this program is the integration of humanities and technology, with equal emphasis on theory and practice. Most courses in the program require students to not only understand the knowledge taught by the teachers but also to complete one or more practical projects, presenting the creation of digital content in a concrete way. The goal of this plan is to make good use of the relevant platforms provided by the promotion center, align with the interdisciplinary characteristics of the program, cultivate software talents with interdisciplinary expertise, or promote the cooperation of interdisciplinary talents, and guide students to seamlessly connect with the industry. By cultivating basic software capabilities through foundational programming and building concepts of software testing and information security, students can further develop their programming and interdisciplinary skills through assignments, practical projects, and advanced course development and activities. The aim is to design high-quality and distinctive software modules, formulate value extension assistance plans for the outcomes, and give back to the software development community and society.

2016 MOE High School and Vocational School Information Science Education Rooting Plan

Co-PI 2016.8 - 2017.7

This plan aims to promote high school students' interest in information science and understanding of information technology development through various activities, camps, and exhibitions related to information education provided by the Department of Computer Science at NCCU. The plan includes the design and offering of programming courses and short-term programming courses to cultivate high school students' basic concepts of information science and programming skills. By integrating university and high school learning resources, the plan aims to construct an information learning network.

Through the implementation of these courses and activities, the goal is to inspire high school students' interest in information technology, develop their foundational computational thinking skills, and guide them towards a correct understanding of the field of information science. The Department of Computer Science at NCCU will build on the achievements of the first-year plan in collaboration with nearby participating high schools (NCCU Affiliated High School, Jingmei Girls' High School, Datong High School, and Yongchun High School), making adjustments as needed. This collaboration aims to nurture high school students interested in information science, familiarizing them with thinking and analyzing problems from a computational thinking perspective, and equipping them with the ability to propose clear and effective solutions. The goal is to root information science education more deeply in the school system, achieving the objectives set forth in this plan.

2015 MOE: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Software Innovation Talent Promotion Plan: Promoting Innovative Software Talent Development Models

Member 2015.2 - 2016.1

The goal of this plan is to make good use of the relevant platforms provided by the promotion center, align with the interdisciplinary characteristics of the Digital Content Program at NCCU, and cultivate software talents with interdisciplinary expertise or promote the cooperation of interdisciplinary talents, guiding students to smoothly integrate with the industry. The program has established four major development directions: Digital Narrative, Digital Cultural and Creative Industries, Smart Environment, and User Experience. By cultivating basic software capabilities through foundational programming and building concepts of software testing and security, students can further develop their programming and interdisciplinary skills through assignments, practical project training, advanced course development in the four major directions, and activities. This enables students to design high-quality and distinctive software modules, formulate value extension assistance plans for the outcomes, and give back to the software development community and society.

2015 MOE High School and Vocational School Information Science Education Rooting Plan

Member 2015.8 - 2016.7

Since 2008, the Department of Computer Science at NCCU has collaborated with the College of Communication to establish the Digital Content Program, which aims to cultivate interdisciplinary digital narrative talents who combine information design with humanistic values. Adhering to the philosophy of “learning by doing” and integrating theory with practice, the program encourages students to present their learning through practical projects and performances in both professional courses and graduation projects. Over the years, many achievements have been accumulated. With the support of the Ministry of Education's plan, NCCU can extend its accumulated experience in information education and project presentations to high school education. This initiative aims to inspire high school students' interest and passion for information technology, helping them understand the essence of information science and the planning concepts of university-level information courses.

The Department of Computer Science at NNCCU will apply this plan by collaborating and exchanging with nearby participating high schools (NCCU Affiliated High School, Datong High School, and Yongchun High School). This collaboration aims to nurture high school students who are interested in information science, familiarizing them with thinking and analyzing problems from a computational thinking perspective, and equipping them with the ability to propose clear and effective solutions. The goal is to root information science education more deeply in the school system, achieving the objectives set forth in this plan.

2014 MOE Software Talent Development Promotion Plan: A Community-Oriented Elder Care Social Work Task Assistance and Knowledge Sharing Platform

PI 2014.2 - 2015.1

In recent years, our country's rapid economic development, improved living and educational standards, and widespread access to healthcare, combined with increased average life expectancy, have led to a sharp increase in the elderly population. Although the medical definition of elderly is 65 years and older, a significant proportion of elderly individuals in our country, due to high medical standards, still maintain the ability to live independently. Another portion of the elderly requires assistance from relatives, friends, or social workers, and those in poorer health need to reside long-term in nursing homes. Therefore, caring for the elderly in different situations has become an urgent issue.

In response to this trend, the Executive Yuan approved the “Ten-Year Long-Term Care Plan” for our country in April 2007, with an expected investment of over 80 billion within ten years to establish a long-term care system for various elderly conditions, aimed at improving the quality of life for the elderly. This plan involves government agencies serving as intermediaries, linking various social welfare and care institutions into a comprehensive system that provides care services, home nursing, home rehabilitation, meal services, assistive device rental, transportation, and long-term care services.

In this system, social welfare institutions and social workers bear the critical responsibility for elderly care work. Practically speaking, the professionalism of elderly care personnel is not highly regarded by most people domestically, and many actual caregivers lack professional training. This not only severely affects the quality of care but also often leads to improper handling of emergencies. The current care work system mainly operates through social welfare institutions, where many permanent “supervisors” oversee the actual care work performed by “caregivers,” who execute the care tasks.

According to Professor Wu Xiu-Zhao of the Department of Social Work at Tunghai University, in focus group interviews conducted this year (2013) with leaders of several social welfare institutions, it was found that there are several potential needs in elderly care services related to information technology. These include human resource allocation, professional knowledge transfer and training, care process documentation, and the provision and integration of information about service recipients. These needs highlight the importance of a “Community-Oriented Elder Care Social Work Task Assistance and Knowledge Sharing Platform.”

First, the team of social welfare institutions, supervisors, and caregivers forms a professional community network, where supporting human resources, allocating work content, transferring professional knowledge, documenting care processes, and exchanging critical care information are essential functional elements of this professional community network platform. Based on this discovery, our team plans to use the experience of developing community networks from last year to select the “Community-Oriented Elder Care Social Work Task Assistance and Knowledge Sharing Platform” as the main application area and creation theme for this year.

Last year, we focused on the “Health Promotion” community, aiming to encourage proactive positive health improvement attitudes before the onset of diseases. The “Health Promotion” community was essentially an open community targeting the general public, and we developed applications based on the widely used Facebook platform. Building on last year's experience in community development, this year's “Professional Care Social Worker Community” targets specific professional workers in a particular field, where the exchanged information may involve privacy and thus tends to be a closed community. Therefore, although this year's and last year's team creations are both community-related, their nature differs, showing an opportunity to add value to the research and development based on last year's results.

In the “Community-Oriented Elder Care Social Work Task Assistance and Knowledge Sharing Platform,” we focus on personnel related to the professional care social worker system. Although care social workers are relatively fewer in number, they are crucial to the overall development of society, especially in an aging society. We hope that constructing this platform can help reduce the service costs of social workers, thereby improving service efficiency and quality.

2013 MOE Software Talent Development Promotion Plan: Community-Oriented Mobile Health Promotion Service Cloud Management Platform

PI 2013.2 - 2014.1

In recent years, due to changes in lifestyle and work patterns in Taiwan, the number of people suffering from chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes has been increasing. People's attitudes toward health have gradually shifted from passively seeking medical treatment only when ill to more proactive health promotion and disease prevention. Based on this trend, our team plans to use the multi-user mobile server technology developed last year and select the “Community-Oriented Mobile Health Promotion Service Cloud Management Platform” as the main application area and creation theme for this year.

Mobile communications and social networks can be said to be the two most significant innovations affecting daily life in the past decade. Broadly speaking, a team playing games together can also be considered a “community.” Therefore, we believe that the “high-performance, versatile multi-user online mobile game server” technology, after deepening and improving, can be developed into a cloud management platform that integrates mobile phones and social networking sites. We will approach the application of mobile health promotion, developing a cloud service management platform that can connect with social networking sites (currently selected to integrate with Facebook through API).

This type of app typically uses mobile devices or additional wearable micro-sensors, leveraging the influence of social networks on individuals and the portability of mobile devices, to help promote users' health. The primary purpose of the platform we develop this year is to provide a reliable backend management platform and development toolkit for this type of app.

2012 MOE Information Software Talent Development Promotion Plan: Value-Added Research and Development of a Multi-Player Online Gaming System

Co-PI 2012.2 - 2013.1

This project focuses on the category of mobile Casual Games, which are characterized by simple game rules, ease of learning, and the ability to enjoy the game without spending too much time. Games such as chess, board games, and Super Mario are examples of Casual Games. This type of game content involves participants competing against each other to win, requiring a distributed communication architecture. Besides content development, it is necessary to learn the principles and implementation of distributed communication and consider scalability issues as the number of players increases. Each new game developed requires re-evaluation and implementation of these challenging issues.

Over the past few years, our project team has attempted to develop many mobile Casual Game online games and participated in last year's open-source competition, accumulating significant experience in this area. We found that the basic tasks and mechanisms of developing such games are very similar. Their clients and servers are independently built, and the game rules differ, but their communication modules, service registration mechanisms, and system architectures are quite similar. Therefore, this project aims to build a general server and rapid development kit for quickly building mobile Casual Game online games and release it as open-source. This will help developers save time on redundant low-level technical issues and focus on the design of the game itself.

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