
Oracle Education and Training Services Department (May 2010 - June 2012)

Senior Lecturer/Technical Consultant


Technical Lectures

Sun Education Services (2007.01 ~ 2010.04)

Senior Lecturer/Technical Consultant



Teaching Materials Compilation


Technical Lectures


Flag Publication Co,Ltd. Run PC! Magazine ( 2006 ~ 2007)

Technical Columnist

Published articles include:

Gotop Publishing

Technical Book Review

Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation ( 2004.04 ~ 2004.08)

Training and Consulting


“Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation” is responsible for the settlement, delivery, and custody of short-term securities in Taiwan's money market, handling monthly transaction amounts often exceeding 7 trillion TWD. Its “Bond Custody Settlement System (BCSS)” is one of the few large-scale systems in Taiwan, with high requirements for reliability and security. The primary architecture of the system was designed by an architect from IBM Belgium. Initially, the BCSS system was based on the IBM SanFrancisco platform (later converted to J2EE). Due to the system's large scale and complex architecture, it was not easy to understand.

During my four months at TDCC (formerly DIDC), I was mainly hired to comprehensively survey and organize the documentation and source code of the BCSS architecture. I explained and analyzed it to the developers through lectures and provided supplementary architectural knowledge (such as Application Frameworks, Patterns, etc.) as needed. The training content included: * Architecture-centric Development using Patterns and Frameworks * SanFrancisco Framework-enhanced Development Process * OCP, IoC, and Dependency Injection * Architectural Patterns for Persistence Design * EJB Fundamentals * Enterprise Integration with JMS and MDB

NCCU Computer Center ( 2001.04 ~ 2004.06)

During my time at the NCCU Computer Center, I was responsible for establishing and maintaining the Java Web Application Framework, telephone voice service system (IVR), Web application development, InstallShield deployment scripting, and managing Application Server Clusters (using Linux + Weblogic 5.1). Additionally, I taught introductory internet programming courses in the evening classes.

NCCU Web-Based Administrative System Framework (SAWA)


TANET 2003 Conference Management System


Part-Time Technical Courses

Development and Maintenance of NCCU Web-Based Administrative System


WebLogic Application Server Management and Deployment


Planning and setup of WebLogic Proxy and Cluster. Writing and maintenance of daily operation scripts for Linux hosts. During the course selection period, web traffic is heavy, often resulting in a large number of connections within a short time. Therefore, it is necessary to use an Application Server Cluster with a Connection Pool to regulate this. The course selection system is mainly composed of three layers. The front layer is the Request Dispatcher, the middle layer is the Portal Server, and the back layer is the WebLogic Cluster. The Request Dispatcher serves as the only external entry point for the course selection system. HTTP requests enter from the Request Dispatcher and are randomly assigned to several back-end Portal Servers by the PHP program. Therefore, the main components installed on the Request Dispatcher server are Apache Httpd and the PHP module. The Portal Server in the middle acts as the load balancer for the back-end Cluster, requiring 1-3 servers depending on the number of users and traffic, with the Request Dispatcher responsible for assignment. The Portal Server requires the installation of Apache Httpd and the WebLogic Proxy Plug-in for Apache (mod_wl.so). The back-end Cluster, depending on the number of users and traffic, may consist of 4-7 WebLogic 5.1 Servers, responsible for the actual course selection work.

Development and Maintenance of Telephone Voice Course Selection System (IVR)

Client-Server Application Deployment


INTECS International (2000.04 ~ 2001.04)

INTECS primarily focused on services related to natural language speech, integrating telephony, speech recognition engines, and text-to-speech (TTS) systems to provide user services through backend databases or the internet. My main responsibilities in the company included backend tasks such as developing a statistical billing system, telephony-internet interfaces, and telephony-database access. The XML-based speech-oriented statistics system I developed has been adopted as a standard feature of the company's VoicePortal product and is currently under patent application. I participated in projects including the KG Telecom Miss600 intelligent voice control system and the Veterans General Hospital appointment system. In January 2001, I transitioned to R&D, focusing on voice browsing and location-based services.

Telecommunication System Backend: Usage Statistics Analysis System for Natural Language Speech Recognition


Web-Based Remote Monitoring System for Natural Language Speech Recognition Telecommunication Backend
